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Yellow Teddy reading mathematics book
This is me reading my mathematics book. The pages at the beginning are quite easy, but some of it is a bit hard, so I come back to those another day. I like to count very big numbers. I enjoy maths puzzles. BUT I don't do them before bedtime because it keeps me awake.


Yellow and Brown Teddy
Brown Teddy is my best friend in all the world. We always help each other. When Brown Teddy is very quiet, I know he is practising his handwriting or drawing. We go to bed quite early, and read some books. After that, if we can't get to sleep, we talk about summer holidays and days out at the seaside. We pretend we are lying on a warm beach listening to the seagulls, and that always gets us off to sleep.

Parrots with chocolate money
Here are Yellow Parrot and Pink Parrot counting their chocolate money at Christmas. They get so excited over presents that I never put theirs under the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. They would never get to sleep. They tried some Christmas pudding but they didn't like it. What they really like is sunflower seed bread, toasted and with honey on it. It keeps them quiet for quite a while. It has to be very thick honey. Can you imagine the mess if they had runny honey! (Blue Parrot's picture is on the Colouring page)

This is Dino counting marbles. His favourites are the orange ones. Often he forgets how many he counted to, so it keeps him occupied all day until food is served. He likes to lounge on his beanbag and dream of dinner. When I can't reach something, Dino lets me stand on his back. He is always telling us stories about his other dinosaur friends from the beginning of the world. He is a very loyal and home-loving dinosaur.


Yellow Teddy building wardrobe  Yellow Teddy adjusting screws
I really like making things. I helped to build a wardrobe from all the numbered bits. I counted all the pieces and then I counted all the screws. The how-to-do-it sheet was all numbered as well. I pretended it was a maths puzzle. I told everyone what piece came next. I had some help lifting the heavier pieces. When it was finished, my friend Tim put all his clothes and shoes inside.

Teddy Bear sunflower  3.5 metre sunflower 
This is my favourite flower. It is a Teddy Bear sunflower from a special packet of seeds. It grows small but the flowers are as big as a saucer. Sunflower seeds are very good for counting games, and also to make patterns with, such as when you glue them to paper. The Teddy Bear sunflowers did not make any seeds, so it was a good job we had the ordinary big ones as well.

The second picture is my giant sunflower from 2008, which grew to three and half metres. I am only as big as one sunflower leaf. Sometimes I have seen greenfinches eating the seeds off the sunflowers. Greenfinches are very shy birds and normally they only come to our garden in winter. They make a long sound like "sweeeeep".

  Sunflower close-up

Here is a picture of the best of the tall ones. It is a bit sad when they are gone at the end of summer and I always look forward to the next year's sunflowers. I am going to have this photo printed very large and have it on my bedroom wall all winter. You can download this sunflower photo in High Resolution (1.67 MB) and print one for yourself! It would make a very good card to send to someone to cheer them up!

I enjoy counting but I am not going to count these sunflower seeds because they get smaller and smaller in the middle until you can't see them! The grey seeds are underneath the yellow bits. The seeds grow in spiral patterns so that they all fit together.

Yellow Teddy watching the wind
I like fresh air. In the warm weather I like going out in the wind. But when it is cold, I enjoy watching it from home. Here I am in my room watching the clouds scudding past. I have found out which way is North and East, and when the wind comes from there, it is very cold. Sometimes the wind whistles through the telephone lines. A little gap in the window used to whistle as well, until we got a new window with good rubber seals and no gaps!

Yellow Teddy writing his name in shorthand
When I have time I am practising some shorthand. I like different kinds of writing. I want to get good at it so that I can share it with my friends. My main job at present is looking words up in the shorthand dictionary, as a way to help save time, so the outlines are all ready when needed for the shorthand blogs. All the shorthand is on the other website, and you can also see our webmistress, with whom we go out around town, which helps me write my diary pages:


My favourite food is vanilla soya yogurt. As well as being delicious, it's a very nice yellow colour which helps me feel warm and happy. I also like cornflakes. I press them down to get them soft, because I don't like to be deafened by the crunching!

Yellow Teddy cornflakes  Brown Teddy oatmeal porridge banana
Brown Teddy's favourites are mango and bananas, and sometimes with grapes on top. When it's cold, he has oatmeal porridge with bits of banana in. I think he would eat it all the time, so I keep a list for him of all the other good things as a reminder.

Dino's favourite is home-made wholemeal buns, especially if they turn out a bit hard. He likes to get his teeth into them and exercise his jaws. He likes them still warm from the oven. We put in some wheatgerm, it makes them really tasty and crumbly. Dino is good at making crumbs. He is also good at eating crumbs until nothing is left.

  Shiny spoons
I always keep my spoons very shiny and clean. I use them as a mirror and make faces. These are my best spoons that we use at Christmas. You can get a big piece of Christmas pudding on each of these.

Home grown grapes
These grapes were grown in our garden. We ate them but they were not very sweet. The summer weather was not hot enough to make them sweet. Eventually the grapevine grew too big and we had to take it out and put some climbing roses in instead.

Yellow Teddy with carrot and beetroot juice drink  Brown Teddy and the juicer
My favourite drink is juice made of carrots and beetroot. We have it fresh every morning. It is quite sweet and there are no bits in it. This bottle will last me and Brown Teddy a whole day, especially on a day out to a park. Sometimes we have pineapple juice for a change. Brown Teddy knows what drink we are having by looking at the leftover bits in the juicer. These stripes are beetroot, carrot and celery or maybe cucumber. It looks like one of Dino's paintings – very colourful and beautiful!


Yellow Teddy on tartan blanket
My absolute favourite YouTube is Teddy Bears Picnic by Henry Hall. It was done in 1932. It is a music YouTube, with a photograph of the singer to look at. But when I hear it, I can see all the Teddies having their picnic, just as if the picture was on the screen. There are sandwiches, cakes and orange drinks, trees, flowers, blue sky, dancing games and then they all lie down on tartan blankets on the grass. I like to get my tartan blanket out and have an indoor picnic.



Yellow and Brown Teddy with Rupert Bear book
My favourite book is a Rupert Bear book which was a present from Mr Webmaster. While the Christmas dinner was being done, we read Rupert's adventures. I like doing the puzzles and Brown Teddy likes the stories because there are no hard spellings. Then when we go to bed, we think of all the adventures and sometimes dream of going to Rupert's village or his seaside holiday places.






Where to report a lost or found teddy or toy
"Special Toys - Lost and Found"



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