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Dino's Reptiles




Here are my Union Jack flags that I made for the Queen's Jubilee some years ago. Its shape is a 3:5 proportion. You can check up on the history on the website below.


I have had drawings done of all my Treasures and made into colouring books.

Treasures Colouring Sheets PDF (2.5 MB 34 pages)

This is A4 colouring sheets. If you are working hard to make a masterpiece, use thick paper and really good paints and pencils. A picture done in marker pens may fade in the daylight, so store them in a special Paintings Folder to keep them looking good. Even better, scan them into your computer so you can share them!

Treasures Colouring Cards PDF (4.4 MB 34 pages)

This is to make A6 size cards and postcards. They are best printed on thicker white paper or card. If you print them on thin paper, you can cut out your finished painting and stick it onto some thicker card. That way you can do some practising without wasting cards. If you don't have glitter and sequins to decorate the pages, you can use pieces of coloured material or bits of coloured magazine pages, to get some extra bright colour.

Yellow Teddy colouring

My favourite is the glass heart. I have done a dark outline with marker pens, and am doing the big areas in pale coloured pencils. Then I will fill in the little blobs with bright colours. I like coloured pencils because they do not smudge and I can get into all the corners.

Dino tying ribbons

If you make holes in one side, you can make up a really good Colouring Book. It looks quite smart if you thread a piece of red ribbon through the holes and tie it at the front. Here is Dino having fun with all the ribbons. I think he realises he can't use them all on one book. The ribbon has to be a bit loose so that the pages can turn. Wool and string are good as well because you can put a tassel on each end.

It is better for Dino to do colouring rather than lying on his beanbag all day. I will have to get some giant crayons for him, because if he has paint it will end up on the ceiling and everywhere!

Blue parrot with card gift pack

Here is Blue Parrot modelling a card gift pack. He has been asking for ages to be in a photo! Instead of ribbon, you could use colourful magazine pictures or wrapping paper cut into strips, for a rainbow ribbon effect, fastened with a tiny piece of sticky tape.

You can send people the cards, or give them a pack of cards as a present. If you make your own cards, you do not have to spend any money, and people really like something you have made, because it shows you care about them. They will always keep it and years later they may get it out of a secret drawer and remind you of it! By then you will be a lot more practised and you can say, "Ah Yes, but you should see my stuff now!"

Brown Teddy colouring

Brown Teddy has done his favourite parasols picture with water crayons. You can spread the colour with a brush or a cotton bud. You only need a tiny bit of water otherwise the paper may get wrinkly.

Keyring fish with shading

You can make a beautiful picture with just a black pencil. You shade all the edges, and then you shade everything that is underneath something else, like the scales on the keyring fish. If you do it really carefully and put more detail in, it will look so real that you might think it was a photo!




Where to report a lost or found teddy or toy
"Special Toys - Lost and Found"



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