4 November

Today we went to see the fireworks in Victoria Park in North London. It
is a big park so it was very dark away from the spotlights dotted

There was music to accompany, but difficult to hear as we were at the
back, away from the crush at the fence edge.
6 November

We found a little park in Bromley that we did not know about before.
This is St Blaise well which feeds the lake.

This looks like a grotto, but I think it is an overflow area. This is an
insect hotel, quite popular in parks nowadays.
10 November

We went to the Lord Mayor's Parade, with lots of marching and bands.
Here is someone dressed as St Paul's Cathedral.

Lots of ingenious floats and dressing up!

The new Lord Mayor looks very happy in his golden coach. I liked the
white horses best.
11 November

It must be winter now, as I ate the last of my garden apples. I stirred
it into the porridge to make it warm.
22 November

Cold nights and mornings now. I am not sure if this battery candle is
making me feel warm, or cold with the frost and snowdust effect!

The first bit of frost this winter. These big ice blocks are from when
we had to keep some sandwiches cold in big boxes for an event. We spent
several days making them in the freezer. They are finished with now but
I think they will take a few days to melt.
23 November

We went to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park, which I have really been
looking forward to. I like these fires in big pans, and you can really
feel the heat if you stand on the correct side! These are my favourite
hats on the hat stall, I shall have to get someone to knit one in pink
and yellow for me. Youl would never lose someone in the crowd with one
of these.

These stalls have artificial snow on the roof.

You can sit inside a giant bauble at the base of the big tree and ride
round as it turns and changes colour.

I like these chocolate hearts with messages on. I don't mind what
message it is, we just all like chocolate, but it would take quite a
while to get through.

These illuminated rigid balloons are new this year, very lovely but I
wonder how long they last with children?

Our favourite part, watching the skating. This is the biggest rink in
London, as it goes round a bandstand, so plenty of room for people to
practise all their moves.
24 November

Today is our local Christmas Carnival. These polar bear decorations in a
shop window look quite warm.

The round bumper cars were very popular, and all the children were
smiling and excited.

This is the Helter Skelter, and the Crazy House.

You couldn't fail to pick up a duck here. We listened to band on stage
for a while, it was very loud but we enjoyed it all.

Lastly, eight minutes of colourful fireworks.
28 November

We have taken the panels out of the front room door, in order to have
glass instead. It is quite messy work and you have to be careful with a
sharp new chisel. Every time I cleared up, more shavings appeared, but I
kept on top of it.
30 November

Today we went to Kingston which is on the river to the west of London.
This is the Christmas market. There was an Alpine Village set out in the
church grounds.

This is a novelty I haven't seen before, a communal bicycle pump. These
timber houses date from the 1400's.

We then took a bus to Hampton Court. We sat in Hampton Court Palace
vegetable garden and had our sandwiches. There was no-one else there.
This cart has pots and educational plant information written in white
paint on slates.

There were not many customers at the ice rink today, but that was
probably good for those who wanted to go round fast.

We went down to look at the river and ducks. On the train home, Brown
Teddy got out his secret packet of oat biscuits for us to share.