2 September

There were so many apples that the branch broke. I
now have nylon ropes holding up all the heavy apple tree branches.
12 September

In these pots are my Pink Lady apple seedlings
which are now saplints, and are doing very well. It was a misty morning
and the webs were full of these lovely diamonds in the sunlight.

I am quite pleased with this year's fruit,
considering the heat wave and drought we have had.
13 September

Today we went to the gardens at Hall Place. This is
the giant greenhouse, I could settle down in here for the whole day!

Brow Teddy's favourites are the brightly coloured
coleus plants. My favourite is the waterfall spout at the end of the
long fishpond. I like the gurgling sounds.

This is my favourite part of the garden, as the
walkway is raised up. I like the shadow patterns and all the trees are
spaced out so they can grow without being crowded together.
17 September

Woody has just had a bath and had decided to press
himself down in the grass and sunbathe.
28 September

The fish are milling about, just before I fed them
their fish pellets. They make a lot of sucking noises when they are
eating it, which is fine for them, as they are not having to be polite
in a restaurant!
11 October

Woody is considering whether to continue soaking,
or come this way for some bits of bread.
11 October

This is a very young wood pigeon and he did not go
for the bits of bread. His crop is full from another feeding place.
11 October

My computer decided to keep switching itself off at
random. Time to call in the expert and fit a new motherboard. I helped
by making sure the screws did not get lost!
25 October

This is my local park. All the geese and ducks are
over on the other side, where the people and food are.